Quick Thought: A Succinct Comparison — Reagan vs. Obama

Then —> Reagan: Tear down this wall.   Now —> Obama: Tear down this country.

Quotable Quotes By True Leaders

The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.” – Patrick Henry

“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.” – Thomas Jefferson

“We, the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow men who pervert the Constitution.” – Abraham Lincoln

“Freedom is never more than a generation away from extinction. We did not pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.” – Ronald Reagan

“Whensoever the General Government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force.” – Thomas Jefferson

I won’t add comments on these quotes.  I will though, simply suggest, that you let them sink in and appreciate the integrity, character, and honor of those that spoke these profound words.


President Reagan’s Question

When Reagan was asking who will save the Republic, commenters were tossing out political names, but, a wise commenter asked “what if the simpler answer is just…. us”?

Ronald Reagan becomes more and more dear to us the longer Democrats have control of government.  And his question is wise beyond his day.  His question 1) assumes that there is something drastically wrong with the republic so that it needs saving and 2) evidences Reagan was astute, alert, and discerning enough to recognize the failed state of the republic thus demanding his question to originate.

How does that relate to our modern lack of leadership leaders? Well, for starter they don’t believe the republic is in dire straits.  They,  RINO’s and Democrats, want to continue the same path of destruction of our country.  They want to put policies in place that don’t create jobs, that ruin our economy, that diminish our military might thus sacrificing our peace through strength affront, that bolster unions which suck, like leeches, the very lifeblood of the workforce and practical benefits for all, that impose upon our personal liberties, and that sacrifice our men and women in uniform.

And since they are determined, whether by specific ideology or sheer stupidity, both of which are detrimental to the common good of the entire world, to promote the wills and whims of man without regard to principles and premise, I ask with Reagan, who will save the republic?

My answer comes from a comment I read online that is well-spoken and well thought out. It’s the same answer given when our forefathers believed it was their destiny to forge their own path and set out to found a whole new world that we call our United States of America.

(posted by joanb36) The Tea Party people are “just…us!” Everyday, America loving voters who want smaller, government, less taxes , economic recovery through free enterprise, not govt. control and takeover of EVERYTHING!!!! We should be able to pass inheritance down to our families with out it being stolen from them by government (theft)taxes! We want a future for our children, grandchildren and great grand children which promises freedom, a government who follows the Constitution, and judges who do their job like they’re supposed too. NOT stab Americans in the back with liberalism. We want An American loving president not a dictator who is embarrassed by the our incredibly successful history. Perfect? No,but always a work in progress. We are the tax payers, the voters, the workers,the scholars & educators, the retirees, the young, the old. We are sick of lies and corrupt politicians. Yep!… However, your [snout] is in the air and you’ve lost touch with the real America (not South America!!)

The last part of the question that Ronald Reagan knew was that “just us” was the right answer.  It in effect becomes a rhetorical question that he asks simply to engage the audience, yet, clearly good and well knowing the answer was “just us”. He believed in the American people because he believed in America.  That’s why we flourished for years as he held the presidency and long after his tenure as POTUS.

My question is where is a leader like Reagan to inspire the republic to rise us and take back its liberty, freedom, and ability to pursue happiness?


(for the record, I know that we, man, cannot leave God out of the equation nor do I intend to assume that with this entry. God is everything!)

Presidential Spotlight – Out of Touch with Reality

Barack Obama’s stimulus package was unveiled during the early days of his presidency with the promise of plenty of “shovel-ready projects.” About the only shoveling that’s occurred since is of the copious quantities of manure the White House has slung about in its never-ending efforts to blame the nation’s woes on the previous administration, accepting none of the blame for its own contributions to what is evolving into a full-fledged worldwide financial crisis.

Okay, while the country waits for those shovel ready jobs, Obama continues to slobber on himself over how good the healthcare fiasco-of-a-bill is for the nation, he’s about to sign a financial reform bill that does NOTHING to prevent the culprits (Fannie and Freddie) of our current financial meltdown from striking again, he’s been remiss in addressing the Gulf and not confident that BP has capped the oil leak, or rather hoping it’s not capped so he can promote Cap and Trade, and all the while he’s pining away on how this is all the Bush Administration’s fault.  What a weakling of a president!

Wish it was as easy as that show The Weakest Link.  President Obama, “You are the weakest link, goodbye!”

Yesterday, the shoveling continued when the president told an interviewer at NBC that voters this fall are going to be faced with “a choice between the policies that got us into this mess and my policies that got us out of this mess.” The mere fact that Obama believes we “out of this mess” speaks volumes.

Certainly, he can’t believe the drivel he spews.  The American people understand completely what has happened. The small percentage that still see Obama as the savior of the world still linger and cling to his every word, but the majority (look at the polls again and take a gut check) of the people know that Obama is bad news for jobs, for the economy, for our national defense, for healthcare, for the financial sector, for international relations, for internal relations between federal and state governments (think Fed vs. Arizona), for energy independence, for balanced budgeting, and for all things related to presidential leadership.  In just over 18 months, our country is in its worst scenario in nearly 75-80 years.

Thank you Mr. Obama for all you do to destroy our country!  Is this the hope and change you promised?

And, does he really believe we’re “out of this mess”?  Really?  No wonder the people want him out of office…he’s out of touch with reality!  Completely out of touch with reality.

I think as I write, where’s a President Reagan when a country needs him?
