Presidential Spotlight – Crying Over Spilled Oil

President Barack Obama said Thursday he was “furious” about the situation in the Gulf of Mexico and that BP hasn’t moved fast enough to respond to the massive oil spill there.

This guy is a joke.  What more can he expect from BP?  BP is working round the clock, has agreed to complete clean up, reimbursement, and restoration.  BP has been, if anything, very responsible and gracious. Our president needs to let those who know, do what they can do and get out of their way.

While criticizing BP for not move fast enough to respond to the massive spill, he took 8 days to acknowledge it when it was first taking place.  What’s up with that Obama?

Really, this spill is a nuisance because it’s going well against Obama’s agenda.  While we are all concerned with the spill and it effects, Obama is concerned about placing blame, political posturing, beating up on BP, and how this distracts from what he really wants to do with America.

While the media touts how Obama will make his 3rd trip this Friday, they don’t care to emphasize how long it took our government to respond nor how little it has done to make any headway or impact on the situation.  Oh sure, we see Obama in interviews and press conferences delivering his usual rhetoric, but we never hear him say he’s been remiss in acting responsibly as well.

“I am furious at this entire situation because this is an example where somebody didn’t think through the consequences of their actions.”

He’s furious?  Sure.  I’ll play along.  He’s furious that this is even an issue.  He’s furious that this spill has taken nearly 2 months of his presidency away so he has been slowed in pushing his socialistic agenda.  He’s furious that this spill really exposes his utter lack of leadership sensibilities.  He’s furious?  Sure.  But not for the reasons he’d lead us to believe.

And, what does he mean by “didn’t think through the consequences of their actions”?  That statement will come back to haunt his party in November.  He obviously hasn’t thought much about the consequences of his actions. The back room deals on the passage of healthcare.  The critical eye he’s turned on Israel for defending itself.  The words he spoke about the white police officers vs. the black professor at Harvard.  The lack of transparency of what was supposed to be the most transparent administration in history. The siding with Mexican president in the beating up of Arizona and it’s enforcement of illegal immigrant crackdown.  The list goes on and on…not to mention his inability to acknowledge that BP is truly doing it’s best to stop this oil from flowing.  Sounds like he needs to do some more thinking before he speaks.

Obama says he’s been in command since day one.  If that is so, he needs to resign his command post because the leak is as strong as ever…and he has no clue what to do next! Truth be told, we know that Obama is not in control and has zero interest in this issue.  He just wants to appear in control.  I’d say just be quiet Obama and let the professionals continue on their mission of stopping this leak.


Presidential Spotlight – We Don’t Need Borders?

“In the 21st Century, we are defined not by our borders, but by our bonds.” President Obama

This statement our president quotes at the recent arrival welcoming of Mexico’s president, Felipe Calderon. And again, Obama continues the insanity.  It makes one wonder if he thinks before he speaks and if our country can last another 2 years with this president in command.

Everything he does is just so anti-American.  How much more can we take?

This statement really defies all logic.  For all practical purposes, we need structure, organization, and guidelines in life. All areas of life are driven by rules, laws, by-laws, and semblance.  We have boundaries.  We have order.  We have specificity. To suggest that we live without those…is sheer deception.

Yes, this statement defies logic. However, it only defies logic if you wish to see America survive.  If you have other plans for America and her demise, then this statement by President Obama, is perfect logic.

Since he assumed the position of commander in chief, we’ve had bailouts and takeovers. Banks – check. Automotive – check. Wall Street – check. Healthcare – check.  What more could he want? Looking back on each, you can see how “borders” were removed.  The government is slowing killing the American system.

Reviewing this quote, gives us a clearer understanding of what Obama meant when he called himself a “world citizen” during his campaign.  He has no intention of governing as president of the United States of America.  He has every intention of destroying our country’s viability and world sovereignty.  He has every intention of making America just another place on earth.  How sad!

Obama speaks deceptively.  He moves as did the serpent in the Garden of Eden.

Our borders define us as a country.  If we have no borders, no boundaries; then we have no country.  In fact, if we’re all defined by our bonds, then all countries cease to exist.  We can throw all caution to the wind.  We can scrap what remains of any country’s constitution and get on with the one world government.  Let’s be defined as a world…forget separate countries.

This, my friends, is Obama’s intentions.  His quote gives us a glimpse into how he’ll handle border control.  He won’t!  He believes we don’t need borders, so why would he choose to back Arizona’s enforcement of the illegal immigration laws, or defend our borders. He wants America’s fall so badly he can taste it…so therefore we can’t possibly be defined by those borders.

When Mr. Obama ran for president, if was for the office of President of the United States of America.  It wasn’t for the non-descript region formerly known as the USA.  No, it was specific.  If he doesn’t want to govern as the leader of the greatest country on the earth, the United States, and his eyes are set on its destruction by redefining what determines a border, then we need to consider impeachment.  His methods are parasitic to our American heritage and culture.

Our country is defined by its borders.  We don’t define ourselves by our bonds with other countries. No Obama!  We are Americans.  We defend those borders that we have earned the right to call borders.  Men have died to preserve our country’s integrity and honor.  We love our country.  We will not kowtow to the notion that we need to be defined by our bonds.  No, we will be defined by our borders.  Those borders make us the great United States that we are…and it’s only by those borders, that we will survive!


Presidential Spotlight – Obama Tag Teams with Calderon

“I want everyone, American and Mexican, to know my administration is taking a very close look at the Arizona law,” he said. “We’re examining any implications, especially for civil rights, because in the United States of America, no law-abiding person, be they an American citizen, a legal immigrant, or a visitor or tourist from Mexico, should ever be subject to suspicion simply because of what they look like.”

There’s really no way around this statement, so let’s just be honest, Obama is completely irrelevant as a president.  Every time he speaks, and every move he makes, it seems like our country takes another step further into the Twilight Zone.

Today, he, hand-in-hand, with Mexico’s President, Felipe Calderon, denounced the Arizona Illegal Immigration bill. Can you believe it? What POTUS, in a lucid state of mind, stands shoulder-to-shoulder with a foreign president to take target against fellow Americans?  Against the United States he vowed to honor and defend?   Against the country he loves? (does he love it?)

Let’s look at his quote.  His administration is taking a close look?  At what?  Keep in mind that illegal immigration is a federal law, Arizona simply stepped up and said its going to enforce it.  So, what is the Obama administration going to review?  How to undermine Arizona’s sovereignty and authority in this matter?

Obama says they’re examining any implications.  That’s funny.  The implications are this:  If you cross the border and try to live in Arizona illegally, you will face the consequences!  So, what else could be the implications?  There aren’t any. Move on. Nothing to see here.

President Obama goes on to talk about how no law-abiding person, American, legal immigrant, or visitor, will be subject to suspicion based on looks. Of course they won’t, that’s unlawful.  His statement becomes pointless and moot. This Arizona law isn’t for Americans, legal immigrants, or visitors…it’s for illegals, you know like those who cross over the U.S. border and mooch off of the system? For future reference, Mr. Obama you may want to get the facts straight before you utter a single word.

Mr. Obama vowed to “stand together against the drug cartels” and praised Mr. Calderón’s efforts. “As your partner, we’ll give you the support you need to prevail,” Mr. Obama said.

Ah, this guy just never quits!  Arizona is dealing with those same drug cartels, thus creating the very need to impose a law that would crack down on illegals.  They need some help. Yet, Obama offers support to a foreign country all the while delivering a one-two body shot to Arizona.

When we have a President of the United States that sides with a foreign nation against his own constituency, isn’t that cause for impeachment?  If it’s not, I think it should be.  Read below, his actions have produced at a minimum a misdemeanor, wouldn’t you think?

Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution reads: “The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”

There’s should be no tolerance for lack of “presidential” in our President! Today Obama proved again that he’s really irrelevant in leading our country.  His lack of leadership and integrity is glaring.  Time to step up to the position to which you were voted and live up to its legacy!


Presidential Spotlight – Do As I Say, Not as I Do!

“If we choose only to expose ourselves to opinions and viewpoints that are in line with our own, studies suggest that we will become more polarized, more set in our ways,” ironically said the President.

“But if we choose to actively seek out information that challenges our assumptions and our beliefs, perhaps we can begin to understand where the people who disagree with us are coming from.”

Well, finally a statement from the President with which I can agree.  It’s great that he seems to have this basic understanding.  Likewise, it’s too bad that it appears to be a case of lip service.

Many, many times over the course of his presidential campaign and presidency, Mr. Obama has disregarded this very notion he touts here.

Here are a few:

Remember when he talked about pitting his man against Sean Hannity.  He said his man would “tear him [Sean Hannity]up!” Why does he want a face off if all we’re doing is exchanging ideas.  And, why not enter the ring and go thought-for-thought with Sean Hannity himself. Why send a henchman?

Remember when Obama said, “You can’t just listen to Limbaugh to get things done!” This was stated in an attempt to scathe Republicans for not wanting to be on board with some of his policies claiming they were all basically “Rush Babies”.

Remember Obama told Republicans, “I won!” as he reminded them who was the president and offered to “trump them.”  I guess that means, as per his quote above, he’s open to ideas that are in opposition to his? Doesn’t seem that way does it?

Remember in an interview in which he responds to being noted as a socialist and a Marxist, Obama says, “I think that when you listen to Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck…it’s troublesome.” How’s that for exposing ourselves to opinions that are not in line with our own? He calls opposing viewpoints troublesome! Think on that.

Remember just this weekend at the 2010 Correspondent’s White House Dinner Obama jokes, “Unfortunately John McCain couldn’t make it. He recently claimed that he had never identified himself as a maverick, and we all know what happens in Arizona when you don’t have an ID. … Adios amigos.”

Okay, I know that one is supposed to be funny and I get the joke. But, they do say there’s some truth in every joke.  In this attempt at humor, we clearly see that Obama cannot accept the strength of Arizona’s illegal immigrants decision and he doesn’t honor that decision.  It’s a tongue-in-cheek method of ignoring and criticizing differing viewpoints.

At the end of the day, Obama’s speech suggesting we review others’ ideas and ideologies seems to be another class act example of  “do as I say, not as I do!”
