Quick Thought: Stay Focused Conservative Friends

Don’t get distracted by all the distractions the Dems are throwing up (pun intended).

Keep on message:  The Dems are ruining the economy, suffocating business, stealing from our grandchildren, and trying to control every aspect of our lives.

Let the blithering idiots and hacks with degrees whine about Christine O’Donnell’s Linked-In page, call us the Taliban, and drop as many October surprises as they want.

Focus.  The end is near.

—-William Jacobson – Cornell Law School

Keep your heads up my fellow conservatives, Tea Party patriots, Republicans and those who have intelligent viewpoints. November is just around the corner. Balance will be restored!

Stay focused!  Hang tough! We The People…are on the move!


Quick Thought: Healthcare Reform Even Dems Sick From It

President Obama predicted in the spring that the new law would become popular as people learned more about it. But the poll shows Republicans strongly oppose it, independents are wary of it and a surprising number of Democrats also want it overturned.

As time goes on and the American people find out about the healthcare reform bill , the more we call for repeal. We expect that the average, common sense, American will come to that conclusion…But, it’s a definite surprise when polls show Democrats beginning to want repeal. For the “crowning achievement” that this bill was touted as being, it’s interesting to note that those who should strongly support it are now calling for it’s repeal as well.

In fact, only a handful of Democrats are mentioning this achievement, this legislative crown jewel,  as they run for re-election.  Rather than run for office…they’d better run for cover!

The American people, the “We The People” will speak!

What’s your take?


T.E.A. Party Anyone?

For all of those in the media who want to call the Tea Party Patriots racists, homophobes, anti-American, etc. , here’s a point by point look at who we are:

WHO? – Tea Party Patriots is a coalition of ordinary American citizens from all political affiliations that believe in free-market values who are concerned about the direction of this country’s fiscal policy.

WHY? – The American people are tired of working hard for their families only to see politicians with the same failed answers of more spending, more government, and more debt for future generations. The Tea Party Patriots will not tolerate it any longer. The politicians must be told that they can work with us, or find new jobs.

WHAT? – Tea Party Patriots is a movement made up of millions of individual Patriots aimed at restoring limited government and basic free-market principles our country was built on.

Take notice that this groups is based in reality.  It’s based in truth.  It’s based on reason.  It’s based on what America was truly designed to be…and we won’t allow those in “leadership” positions to hijack our country!


Presidential Spotlight – Not Interested In America

I’m learning to not be so “amazed” at President Obama’s seeming lack of interest in what the American people, the majority by even the most liberal of polls, are demanding. We clearly have a President that just doesn’t get it or he’s not addressing the real concerns in hopes they’ll magically go away. When his term is over, if we haven’t stepped up and taken some serious air out of the balloon, our country will be in shambles.

We’ll be a shadow, a memory, a once-was United States of America.  Home of the Once Brave!

On National Defense, we just finished a Nuclear Summit with nearly 50 other countries. Can we say complete sham!  It’s a method of diverting our attention from what’s more important.  And seriously folks, why are we talking arms reductions as the “good guys,” and Iran, full of “Islamic Extremist/Terroists,” is going full speed ahead in attaining nuclear power.  Why are we not focused in on real threats, rather than playing sleight-of-hand by having a Nuclear Summit? Maybe a summit is important, but not nearly as pressing as getting about the business of shutting down Iran!

Obama seems uninterested in putting his foot down!

In the Unemployment/Jobs arena, we’re not moving forward.  Oh yes, we’ll see small, insignificant gains here and there, however, we’ve lost 11 million job in a very short period of time.  When we see a gain of 20,000 jobs last month and 10,000 jobs this month…that’s really not a substantial gain! The media is hyping up the stimulus and how it’s worked to pull us from the brink of eternal oblivion. And just in the last few days, the congress is moving to pass more unemployment benefit extensions.  So, are we really heading in a right direction?  If so, why would we extend unemployment benefits? And, Government is adding 9,000 jobs per month and yet produces nothing?  How’s that so?

Obama seems uninterested in putting us back to work!

Until about a year ago, the President seemed like he would have a completely free pass.  After all, the Democrats control the House, the Senate, the White House, and the media. They all seemed to scream, “The Power is Ours!”. What wasn’t counted on, the X-Factor if you will, was the strength and determination of our patriotic, American people. The TEA Party Movement is the voice of the majority, who in fact, are willing to become vocal and active about preservation of our American heritage and roots.  We’re are not at odds with Obama, rather we’re at odds with all that he stands for and is trying to enact.  And, yet, Obama and his media henchmen are trying to ridicule us into silence.  We have 1st Amendment Rights too! So, learn to love it as we speak up and speak out!

“It’s pretty – apparent,” the president continued, “and — it’s troublesome. But — you know, keep in mind that there have been periods in American history where this kind of — this kind of vitriol comes out. It happens often when — you’ve got an economy that is making people more anxious and people are feeling that there’s a lot of change that needs to take place. But that’s not the vast majority of Americans.”

(note 1: he’s wrong – it is the vast majority – all polls indicate it – we know he’s on the wrong track)

(note 2: our disenfranchisement with Obama is not vitriol – it’s freedom of speech!)

Obama seems uninterested in his constituents unless they genuflect reverently!

National Defense, Unemployment/Jobs, and The TEA Party, have Obama in a dither. And, we’re not even going to mention anything of his campaign to explain his healthcare bill!

What we have is a president, who has only ever learned how to preside but not to lead.  He’s learned to demand respect but not to earn the respect of those he says he serves.  He chases too many topics at once and never successfully handles, what appears to be, any.

Rather, he’s learned to control, to intimidate, and to manipulate while trying to achieve his desired outcomes. These are the very signs of a dictatorial tyrant.  And that is why I believe he’s bent towards power and is not interested in the well-being of America or it’s people. Otherwise, his approach would be different.

His nonchalant approach to these key topics leaves me no longer “amazed”.
