Presidential Spotlight – Obama loose in Delaware

This week President Obama and VP Joe Biden visited the First State.  It wasn’t any ordinary visit to see what’s cooking in Delaware.  It wasn’t a trip to talk to Delawareans about issues and concerns we might have in regards to jobs, the economy, or illegal immigration.

Nope!  Not a chance.

Obama and Biden visited to attend a fundraiser for Democrat Senate candidate, Chris Coons.  Coons, who earlier in the week at the U of D debate with tag team partner, Wolf Blitzer, against Christine O’Donnell said he wasn’t anyone’s pet, surely seemed awfully domesticated and pet-like during the Prez and V.P visit.

During his speech Obama attempted to force feed the audience more of the same tired, worn, and extremely obscure drivel that he’s been trying to pass on us since he took office.

Witness a few highlights from the speech.  Try to hold your applause vomiting until the end as there will be many opportunities to participate.

“In a little more than two weeks, you have the opportunity right here in Delaware to set the direction of this state and this country for the next several years.”

WOW! An idea that Obama and I agree on…still…WOW!  Only difference he’s referring to electing Coons to continue the Obama march of America’s death.

If Republicans are victorious in taking over Congress, they’ll try to implement “an agenda that nearly destroyed our economy.” The president asked voters to give him a chance to complete implementation of the economic and social programs his administration began in 2008.

Two thoughts here!

First, the Democrats have been in control since 2006…and  for 4 complete years, we’ve watched our country sputter and stutter! Regarding one of “agenda” items he alludes towards is the stimulus package which was initiated under Bush. Why criticize that Obama?  Afterall, that’s a Democrat-like move!

Secondly, Obama is so arrogant to overlook the heart beat of the nation.  The reason each and every race is hotly contested is due to the fact that Americans REJECT his economic and social programs. We The People have spoken…now listen!

“We still have a long way to go. We still have a lot of work to do. Families are hanging on by a thread. That’s what is keeping me up at night. That’s what keeps me fighting. The biggest mistake we could make right now would be to go back to the policies that didn’t work in the first place.”

Refer to my previous Democrat’s control comment!

In addition, is this the thought he keeps in mind while he spends record amounts of time on vacaction and on the golf course?  Come on Obama, we don’t buy it!  What keeps you up is that America is losing interest in “Hope and Change” a la Obama!  We voted for change in Washington, not a change in all that made/makes America great!  Buy a vowel already! Get a clue!  OR simply resign! (do us all a favor!)

“They want to roll back Wall Street reform so that taxpayers are on the hook again,” Obama said. “They want to cut back on education spending by 20 percent to help pay for a $700 billion tax break that only the wealthiest Americans will benefit from.”


It’s Obama’s selfish desires that put taxpayers on the hook!  He’s the one who rammed through healthcare reform & who has bailed out the auto industry.  We that taxpayer recognize it and are rising up against this insanity!  Wall Street Reform is nothing more than another attempt at government takeover and control!  You, Mr. Obama, have caused the American people to purchase a ticket on the Stop Obama Express!

“This isn’t just a threat to the Democrats, it’s a threat to our democracy,” Obama said. “The only way to match their millions of dollars is with millions of voices.”

Notice, just for giggles, he mentions the threat to Democrats first.  That means a threat to their power over the American people.

Notices too,  that Obama tries to equate, subliminally perhaps, that Democrats = Democracy!  WRONG!

The American people will decide who’s a threat to Democracy! That’s not for the Whiner-In-Chief to decide! Get a clue and move on! We The People don’t take kindly to being dominated by your so called “threat to democracy!”

“Don’t let them take this country backwards,” [Obama] said.

Backwards to where?  It’s you and your cronies that are moving us back to the ice age!  We’ve devolved as a country. For touting post racism and unity…we’ve moved far from that idea.  You’ve single-handedly contributed to that cause! Own it!

A fellow Delawarean commented on the Obama-Biden visit and it perfectly sums up my thoughts!

To vote for Coons is to vote for Democrats to continue their out of control spending, raising taxes to attempt to finance this out of control spending, ignoring the will of the people that demand they stop spending, taking over industry after industry, telling “we the people” they must buy certain products or services – all while unemployment remains near 10%. Get out and vote in November – time to take our country back from all this “change.”


Delaware Senate Race – Polls Show O’Donnell Closing In

Christine O’Donnell, the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate, is now within 11 points of her opponent, New Castle County Executive Chris Coons. It marks a 10-point jump following the debate on Wednesday at the University of Delaware.

“It is clear that as voters become increasingly aware of my opponent’s liberal record of increasing taxes and wasteful spending, they understand the real choice that they face on November 2,” said O’Donnell, who would be seated immediately to fight in the lame duck session should she win the election.

“Does Washington really need another career politician rubber-stamping the radical agenda which has put our country on the wrong track? Delawareans know that we have an opportunity to send a message to Washington — to stop the tax hikes, the bailouts, the slush funds, and cronyism by returning power to We the People.”

The poll was conducted on Oct. 14 by Rasmussen Reports, and had a very scientific 500 likely voter sample. The results are as follows: 40% Christine O’Donnell 51% Chris Coons   5% Some other candidate   4% Not sure

I don’t place 100% faith in polls since they can be manipulated to demonstrate just about whatever outcome we desire. I’m also not a conspiracy theorist.  This election here though has me wondering if the numbers are being construed to reflect to O’Donnell supporters they shouldn’t come out, the case is hopeless, and better luck next time. (though, in this case I think underestimating O’Donnell will backfire dramatically)

Anyway, in Delaware we’re experiencing perhaps the election of our lifetimes.  All that is good is in a direct faceoff against all that is Obama.  Coons = Obama.  So that leaves only one choice…O’Donnell.  It’s really that simple!

We either love our country and thus vote Christine O’Donnell.  Or we take another deep gulp of the Obama Kool-Aid, and press on towards America’s eventual oblivion.

And since I love America… I must vote O’Donnell!


Quick Thought: Dems vs. Jobs

As if, from a Democrat, we’d expect any thing more?  Or is that less?

Republican candidate, Linda McMahon placed the crux of the matter in the lap of her opponent, Dick Blumenthal.  In typical, kool-aid drinking fashion, the media called this debate a draw.

I beg to differ.

Linda McMahon asked her opponent one simple question:  How do you create a job?

Mr. Blumenthal stumbled and bumbled and fumbled and told how government comes through (or should come through) with measures to prevent job loss and how he was determined to keep jobs.  Wrong answer.  In fact, that’s not an answer.

McMahon, wife of WWE tycoon Vincent McMahon, responded with the following answer.

“Government, government, government. Government does not create jobs. It’s very simple how you create jobs. An entrepreneur takes risk. He or she believes that they create or good or service that is sold for more than it costs to create it. If an entrepreneur thinks he can do that he creates a job.”

Nailed it Linda!  Perfectly executed answer.

Nailed it Linda!  Final nail in the coffin.  May this Dem rest in peace!


Leadership Is Key To America’s Recovery

Leadership.  Yes, it all comes back to leadership.

The Obama administration offers no such thing. Obama talks big talk and walks small walk.  He, in fact, talks something he can’t walk.  His campaign was built on transparency, beat up Bush, beat up McCain, and offer an innocously wonderful, large carrot to the American people.

Many of us bought it hook line and sinker!

Many of us didn’t!

Nevertheless, our nation is in dire straits as I write. 

Speaking as one who serves in the financial industry, I see the writing on the wall.  I, perhaps, get to see our economy in a different light than the media wants to pretend exists.  It peddles a much different market than I see day to day.

I mentioned to a client today that we need leadership in Washington.  We need definites.  We need principles.  We need men and women who truly have America and her people at heart.  We need discipline and fiscal awareness working hand-in-hand with fiscal responsibility.  We need those who honor family, values, morals, and a power (God) that is higher than self or self-appreciation. 

Our econonmy responds to definite, directed leadership!

The present adminstration severely lacks leadership.

It says:

Let’s sue Arizona over the way it wants to enforce a law that the government put in place.

Let’s kill any future economic growth by offering up Cap & Trade, Financial Reform, and Healthcare Reform.  (we all know, instinctively, these programs aren’t worth the paper they were drafted on)

Let’s treat this Oil Spill as if it’s a world crisis.  Well, if it was, where was the leadership?  (The government wasted time, energy, and resources.  Obama noted in speech that this was the largest man-made environmental disaster ever.  If so, why didn’t he take charge and take action that represented the words he spoke.)

Let’s bailout banks and auto makers thus creating more deficit.

Let’s approve a stimulus.  Using tax payers money, let’s drive the economy. 

Well, it’s being driven…right to the cliff and now they want to push the vehicle off the edge and watch it fall and burn. 

We have no leadership in Washington.  Let me rephrase, if we do have any sound leadership in Washington, it’s not a democrat, and it’s also being overridden by the democrat majority at this point. 

Bottom line, is we need leadership.  Without it, we see a very unstable, wish-washy market.  Without it, we see a rogue nations willing to try one more time to dig their evil claws into the flesh of America the beautiful.  Without it, we continue to amass inordinate amount of debt. 

We cannot pretend, even for a moment’s glance, that there is integrity and therefore leadership in the administration.  

In November…let’s put a stop to this silliness called democrat majority in congress, let’s pull out the whiners, and then replace them with true, talented, and American-loving, patriotic, leaders!

This is step one!  Let’s take it together!
