Remembering Pearl Harbor

Before Sept. 11, 2001, became a transitional date in American history, there was the “date which will live in infamy.” Today marks Pearl Harbor Day, in remembrance of those who lost their lives in Japan’s surprise attack on the U.S. Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

More than 350 Japanese aircraft, launched from several carriers positioned north of Hawaii, sank or damaged 16 ships, destroyed 188 U.S. aircraft, caught on the ground, and killed 2,402 personnel.

Japan’s strike brought the United States fully into World War II and was a formative event in future national defense policy. As Gordon Mueller, president of the National World War II Museum, said in a statement: “You can count on one hand the number of events that changed everyone’s life – everywhere, forever. Dec. 7, 1941, was certainly one such event.”

We pause today to honor those who lost their lives, those who survived and the nation that persevered and vanquished the Axis powers.

(article from ocregister)

Today, without fail, and like any other Pearl Harbor anniversary, I remember.  I wasn’t there.  But I do pride myself on being aware of the rich history of our United States. 

And, I’m disappointed, literally, by the lack of articles and news reports giving recognition of that great “day of infamy.”  What happened to the honoring of those who lived during such treachery and honoring those whose lives were taken in one foul kamikaze swoop?

Am I hoping for too much from the media?  (perhaps yes – seems they don’t have the backbone to enjoy…let alone defend or have pride in America)

Am I being too sensitive?  (not really–just being respectful and grateful)

I salute those men and women who deserve to be recognized today.  I think of our history…and I am remineded yet again of the blessings of freedom we enjoy in this country…

Let us always remember!



History Lesson

A little history lesson helps us all.  We have a rich and cherished history in our United States.  Recently, I spoke with a friend who had stayed in China for a college intership.  She mentioned that we, the U.S., have just 300 years of history, but over there…they have 5000 years. 

Yes, maybe we do have a shorter history.  I concur.  But we have an equally valuable history and one that has been able to create a space and place in this world that has been beneficial to more people, create healthier and more vibrant lifestyles, and has been the crux of so many other country’s ability to thrive as well.  (and that’s keeping it short)

The reason is becuase:

1) God has seen fit over the course of the years to bless us beyond necessity and allow us to labor, be fruitful, and pass those gratitudes on to others.

2) We have a country that was founded on solid, poignantly conservative, and wholly Biblical principles.  (facts…look it up!)

With this in mind, what’s going wrong in our nation today?

LIBERALISM!  Plain and simple.  The more liberal the mindset, the less God has preeminence.  It’s that easy.  A turn back to God would be the cure for what ails us!  (and by liberalism, I mean in the spiritual sense –which then leads to the political sense)

 “Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”

Need a few examples?

1) History shows us that raising taxes only makes government bigger!

Pelosi: “This Windfall Tax could go a long way to guarantee the poor, minorities, and the unemployed a standard of living equal to the rest of America.

2) “We the People” have voted numerous time for/against only to have our representative dictate what he/she feels is best for us.

3) We hold up baby-killing (some call it abortion) as an honorable alternative to actually a) having the child  b) being responsible or c) honoring the most defenseless among us.

4) The liberal mindset wants to ban our  a) Freedom of Speech (think net neutrality) b) Right to Bear Arms

5) God is only mentioned as a convenience by most (including some so called conservatives wanting to be liberals) and used as a tool to gain power or to manipulate a conversation.  (think Pelosi saying we have a God-given mandate to provide healthcare to all)

Seriously, we could stay here a while writing about how the liberal mindset is setting us backwards.  And, where can one go in this whole wide world and find a current country (historically if you so choose) that has stood the test of time offering the world a liberal, power grabbing, all-about-me, mindset? 

Answer?  You can search…but you’ll not find!

That should speak to the heart of our issues, don’t you think?  Because we’re now treading the same broken path as all of those countries and people groups that learned this lesson before us. 

So, it’s time we get our thinking right.  Get our steps in tune with God.  (And by God, I mean Jesus.  No other will suffice because no others exist)

When we review our American history we see a glorious occurrence.  God, being honored, blessed us tremendously.  God, being put out to the proverbial pasture, is allowing that mantle of blessing to dissipate. 

And from this alone the liberal mindset has snuck into the American psyche and is butchering our country.  Let’s learn from history…liberalism, leads to tyranny, which leads to destruction.  History has spoken!


Greatest Man Of History

This really spoke to me today.  It’s short.  It’s sweet.  It’s Jesus to perfection.

The greatest man in history, name Jesus, had no servants, yet they called him Master. He had no degree, yet they called him Teacher. He had no medicines, yet they called him healer.  He had no army, yet kings feared him. He won no military battles yet he conquered the world. He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him. He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today!!

I would simply say…that’s Jesus!  The greatest man history has ever known OR will ever know.


Great Speeches – Tear Down This Wall

25 years ago today, Ronald Reagan, one of the greatest Presidents of the United States, and perhaps one of the most significant world leaders of all time, gave his now famous, speech at the Berlin Wall.

“The Berlin Wall, referred to by the President, was built by Communists in August 1961 to keep Germans from escaping Communist-dominated East Berlin into Democratic West Berlin. The twelve-foot concrete wall extended for a hundred miles, surrounding West Berlin, and included electrified fences and guard posts. The wall stood as a stark symbol of the decades-old Cold War between the United States and Soviet Union in which the two politically opposed superpowers continually wrestled for dominance, stopping just short of actual warfare.”

In the 1950s, Khrushchev predicted: “We will bury you.” But in the West today, we see a free world that has achieved a level of prosperity and well-being unprecedented in all human history. In the Communist world, we see failure, technological backwardness, declining standards of health, even want of the most basic kind–too little food. Even today, the Soviet Union still cannot feed itself. After these four decades, then, there stands before the entire world one great and inescapable conclusion: Freedom leads to prosperity. Freedom replaces the ancient hatreds among the nations with comity and peace. Freedom is the victor.

Indeed at the very heart of President Reagan’s speech was the idea that freedom is what we all desire.  He goes on in his speech to tell tales of the importance of freedom.  He mentions that faith always wins out over fear. The words he speaks are so relevant and 25 years later, still very true.

And of course, the point in the speech that makes this one so famous is this:

General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!

Shortly thereafter the Berlin Wall fell.  It fell because freedom, and the eager desire to have freedom, rings true with all people, across all of time, and from all cultures.  We are born to want freedom.  It’s in our makeup.  It’s our chemistry.

25 years later…we need a man like Reagan again.  His vision.  His ambition.  His compassion. His understanding. His love of man. His heart. His energy. His determination.  His integrity.  His leadership!
