Quick Thought: A Succinct Comparison — Reagan vs. Obama

Then —> Reagan: Tear down this wall.   Now —> Obama: Tear down this country.

Presidential Spotlight – Obama Didn’t Sneak Up On Us!

Barack Hussein Obama did not sneak into power. An army of clueless, disconnected, ignorant Americans invited him to bring his Marxist, glaringly anti-American jihad into our lives.

Though it’s easy to watch with a critical eye the entirety of the Obama agenda, it’s a huge concern that so many voted for this monstrosity of an administration.  Many did, and do, buy in to his ideologies.  He’s a socialist.  A Marxist.  A Communist.  A Foreigner. Likewise, his ideological supporters also find themselves having similar, if not completely aligned, sentiments for those attributes and credos that are embraced by Mr. Barack Obama.

Many though, got caught up in the glitz and glamor that Obama resembled.  The media epitomized him as a pop icon. He was placed upon a pedestal that has only been stepped-foot upon by the Christ Himself.  The masses seemed to crumble at his spoken word.  He was deemed articulate, intelligent, and of unequivocal talent and ability.  He was seated upon a white horse that only a hero of the people would ever be worthy to bridle and saddle.  He was Barack Hussein Obama, the mythological demigod the world was waiting upon to rescue it from a plight of despair.

For those who rode the wave of the Obama’s media pass, hopefully they now witness, and admit, that the same star they thought was bright, shiny, and new…was really an old hunk of dastardly ideologies in revamped packaging sold to them as something wonderful and pristine.

Still others, who weren’t taken by his renown and stardom, were just tired of the previous administration.  Rightly so. I found myself at odds many times over the course of the Bush administration.  BUT…and it’s a BIG BUT…I never found myself wondering if my country would cease to exist from day to day.   And though Bush made some hefty mistakes that are still being paid for today, he never left me feeling like the integrity, principles, morals, and pride of my country was competing for work on the local street corner to the lowest bidder.

This president’s overtly destructive, clear-and-present-danger agenda is surpassed in transparency only by his ultra-leftist public voting record and overall lifetime conduct of consorting with the enemy as a child and student of Marxism, socialist and racist community organizer, congregant of the blatant America-hating black-theology- and social-justice-spewing Rev.Jeremiah Wright and close personal friend of convicted communist terrorists like Bill Ayers, and by his unflinching appointment of an array of communist czars, including Van Jones, Cass Sunstein, Anita Dunne…!

Never were we so lackadaisical, at best, to not question Obama’s affiliations.  We didn’t question his values or beliefs. We didn’t question his views of America.  We didn’t question why, though having both a white and black parent, he chose to run as a black president rather than as a mixed president.   We didn’t ask any hard questions of Obama.  No, our fellow Americans deemed him a viable heir to the most valued position in all the world.  And why?

How did we allow Obama to happen to America?

It’s quite unfathomable!

And it’s seems silly how we did.  Let’s for a moment view Obama as a pending transaction or sale of goods. Whenever we purchase goods we begin to ask questions.  For instance, when we shop for a mortgage, we ask about the terms and the rates.  We question if this is the best mortgage for the type of housing, if we should just rent for a while,  if we should opt for the fixed rate or not. We ask if we should even buy the house and will the value of the home increase thus improving our equity position.  On and on and on…we ask and ponder.  We spend time asking the tough questions that ultimately lead us to a wise decision.

With Obama, we didn’t even care to question if he really is a natural born citizen.  It’s as if we just lost our minds and didn’t care who was in office as long as it wasn’t a Republican.  And though I know Republicans have faults, that line of thinking defies logic on all fronts.

One writer sums up those who vote for Obama this way:

You claim your intentions were noble because you simply wanted to get your child a puppy but somehow didn’t notice that it was foaming at the mouth, and now you’re shocked that your child has rabies? I think not. That is not a mistake. It is negligence — dangerous, life threatening and, I am convinced, downright criminal negligence.

Obama didn’t sneak into office.  No, we put him there.  Now, let’s correct our mistake America.

As Obama said, all too quickly in his inaugural speech, “Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America.”

That is indeed going to be a challenge. President Obama has done enough damage to last my lifetime if we don’t change course, correct the political and cultural climate, and move in a direction that is in tune with Godly principles. Obama clearly is NOT the leader we hoped or thought he was…let’s “begin again the great work”…as only “We The People” can!
