To War or Not To War

Speaking at “hallowed ground” at the Pentagon, President Barack Obama alluded to the controversy over a mosque — and a Florida pastor’s threat, later rescinded, to burn copies of the Muslim holy book. Obama made it clear that the U.S. is not at war with Islam and called the al-Qaida attackers “a sorry band of men” who perverted religion.

“We will not give in to their hatred,” Obama said. “As Americans, we will not or ever be at war with Islam.”

Though I agree with Obama in saying the attackers are a “sorry band of men”, I think the rest of his quote is proof positive that our POTUS doesn’t believe we’re at war in this world.  As the Christian he says he is, he should know that Christianity and Islam do not mix.  One follows the living God and the other is subservient to Mohammad and Allah.

We are at war.

It’s a war of ideologies.

It’s not always about flesh and blood.  (See Ephesians 6:12)

It’s the war of the worlds.

It’s good vs. evil.

It’s God vs. Satan.

It’s time we admit that we have an adversary, the devil, who wishes to deceive and to destroy us any way he can. He walks about as a lion  trying to devour those whom he may! (See 1 Peter 5:8)

I say step up men and women around the world and boldly proclaim the name of Jesus!  There’s no other name by which man may be saved.  (See Acts 4:12)

This so-called religion of peace, Islam, instructs its believer to route the enemy, the infidel, by almost any means necessary.  If you aren’t a Muslim…you are the adversary! Period!

So, yes, we’re at war.  And from what I can see, even if we talk peace, until Christ returns and establishes His rule and reign for all eternity, we’ll be at war.  The war of the worlds rages on!


Presidential Spotlight – Tax Breaks and No Growth

Obama laid out his own new ideas for stimulating a sluggish economy that threatens to take down Democratic majorities in the House and Senate this fall.

The president formally called for a permanent extension of the research-and-development tax credit for businesses, and for businesses to be able to write off their capital investments in 2011.

“This will help small businesses upgrade their plants and equipment, and will encourage large corporations to get off the sidelines and start putting their profits to work in places like Cleveland and Toledo and Dayton,” he said of the tax provisions.

Today Obama lays out new ideas.  A gameplan of sorts. Oh, is that what this is?  A gameplan?  New ideas?  This is going to cause companies to get off of the sidelines? 

Reminds me a bit of that wonderful program called “Cash for Clunkers”…remember that brilliant piece of work?

Seriously, he wants to offer a tax break on capital investments.  So, if I’m hearing him correctly, if you invest money into your business, which is currently sluggish, you get a tax break.  If you upgrade equipment to serve clients you do not currently have or have in scarcity, you get a break.  If you improve upon the conditions of your plant, you get a tax break. And that helps you do what?


Does this make sense to anyone?  It certainly isn’t jiving with me.   Spending money to upgrade just to get a tax break doesn’t stimulate spending or consuming.  Yes, we do need to invest back into our business so we can earn more business, but this is hardly the notion presented by our elected-but-has-never-left-the-campaign-trail POTUS.  He’s suggesting we spend to no fruitful end except a tax break.

This idea does nothing to boost or bolster our economy nor does it stimulate job growth.  It’s simply a way to embed “tax” plus “break” into the public mindset as if that what the Dems are all about!  We know better Obama!

What do you think?  How valid is this particular tax break?  Will it work?  I think not…what do you say?

“So let me be clear to Mr. Boehner and everyone else: We should not hold middle-class tax cuts hostage any longer,” Obama said. “We are ready, this week, to give tax cuts to every American making $250,000 or less. For any income over this amount, the tax rates would go back to what they were under President Clinton. This isn’t to punish folks who are better off — it’s because we can’t afford the $700 billion price tag.”

Do we have a whiner-in-chief? 

No where I have I heard or do I see anyone attempting to hold the Middle Class tax cuts hostage.  In fact, most of congress agrees to move forward in keeping them.  The issue is that the Dems want to eliminate the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy.  That’s the rub!

And how dare he suggest we can’t afford the price tag (as if there really is one associated with letting people keep their money).  It’s not a price tag at all since it’s not currently running into the coffers.  So, please, someone…justify this as an expense to keep the tax cuts?  Cutting taxes comes with a price?

Please Obama…save the rhetoric.



Great Quotes – Limbaugh Calls The Regime’s Plays

This regime, folks, does not believe in you, and that’s the saddest thing. This is the first administration — maybe in history, maybe in my lifetime — that does not believe in the country. They don’t believe in the American worker, they don’t believe in the American dream, but they believe in big government.”


As any good commentator of a sporting event calls the game as it’s being played, so Mr. Limbaugh calls the plays that Obama and his party affiliates and administration are running –or — are about to run!

Whether you love or completely loathe Mr. Rush Limbaugh, anyone with half-a-thought, can completely agree with this comment.  This current administration is hellbent on the destruction of America.  Every bill these democrats pass (with little to no bi-partisan support) prove their bankruptcy of 1) sensibility 2) integrity 3) leadership 4) logic 5) love for America 6) intelligence and 7) compassion and regard for “We The People”.

So, yes, I agree wholeheartedly with Mr. Limbaugh.  He puts it all in perspective with this quote. Would you agree?

Why or why not?

And if you disagree, can you define how what Mr. Limbaugh states is incorrect?

See, I’ve tried.  I like to attempt to believe that each POTUS has the best interest of United States at heart.  With previous administrations, whether I agreed with the fundamental modus operandi or not, I never doubted that the administration had the love of America built in and regulating its core values system.

With the Obama administration all we see is a group of childish, arrogant, and thoughtless fools working in unison to undermine the very fabric that makes America great.  They synchronize their efforts to sweep America under-the-proverbial-bus.  Each and every day it seems like the President and his motley bunch of blood sucking louse coordinate efforts to hinder all progress with the economy, jobs, the two wars, the oil spill, illegal immigration laws, and capitalism in general.  Mildly spoken they despise America.

So, I stand with Rush on this one.  America is great.  I love America.  I’m proud to be American.  I’m grateful for my American heritage.  And, I’m not catering, cowering, bowing before, or compromising my America and its greatness for some deadbeat, wannabe-something-special-for-historical-purposes, Obama! This is by far the worst, most secretive, most socialistic, most American-hating administration ever.  And, at the very root of all it all is lack of belief in God! (though that is another topic all-together)


Presidential Spotlight – The Mystery of Obama

There’s much we STILL do not know about Barack Obama.  This list of mysteries should be a concern to all of us.  What people in its right mind, elect a person to the position of President of the United States of America, without knowing some of these vital facts.

Keep in mind, that the media would NEVER have let a conservative get to that position without strict critique and scrutiny. Yet, it turned a blind, loving, and seeming intentionally neglectful, eye from the mysteries surrounding Obama.  The media refused to demand any bona fide, certified information on Mr. Barack Obama.  Either they didn’t want to know, they knew and didn’t tell, they didn’t care, they were sipping the Kool-Aid too, or any combination of these.

So, here are a list of mysteries we should have known and divulged well in advance of Barack’s elevation to POTUS.

1)  the original, long-form 1961 Hawaiian birth certificate….
2)  Marriage license between Obama’s father (Barak Sr.) and mother (Stanley Ann Dunham)  not found, not released
3)  Obama’s baptism records  sealed
4)  Obama’s adoption records  sealed
5)  Records of Obama’s and his mother’s reptriation as US citizens on return from Indonesia  not found, not released
6)  Name change (Barry Sotero to Barack Hussein Obama) records  not found, not released
7)  Noelani Elementary School (Hawaii)  not released

8)  Occidental College financial aid records  not released. (These records were, however, subpoenaed but Obama lawyers succeeded in quashing the subpoena in court. No other Occi records have been released.)

9)Punahou School financial aid or school records  not released
10)  Columbia College records  not released

11)  Columbia senior thesis  not released

12)  Harvard Law School records (not mentioned below, but not released)

13)  Obama’s law client list  sealed
14)  Obama’s files from career as an Illinois State Senator  sealed
15)  Obama’s record with Illinois State Bar Association  sealed
16)  Obama’s medical records  not released
17)  Obama’s passport records  not released

This really is unacceptable behavior on the part of the media.  It’s also more than exceptionally disingenuous of the President not to come forward like a man, like a leader, like one who had integrity, like someone with a backbone, and like someone who is truly forthright, and tell us what we should already know.  This information shouldn’t be a secret, especially when considering we’re talking about the most renowned elected position in the free world!
