Personally Speaking – God Put Me In Check

Earlier today, I had posted an entry on Atheism.  After receiving a few comments and rereading my post, I realize that it unintentionally seemed to have condescending tones in it.  That was not my intent.  So, I apologize for that.

Secondly, some of those comments written in response were a bit more scathing than my original post.  My purpose for this blog wasn’t and isn’t to get into an ideological battle.  It was established to exchange ideas but never to bash others just for the sake of bashing others.  Many of those comments in response were designed to bash. If I had responded, it would have been more defensive, much less inclined towards true debate,  and much less presentable in the context of exchanging ideas.

As I read those comments I thought of how we attract with honey not with vinegar.  I thought of how no one would have read that post and thought about moving towards God.  So, with the gentle nudge that God uses to admonish His children, I have extracted that post.  It wasn’t serving its intended purpose nor was it edifying to God.

I’m a Christian man and aware that I’m not perfect.  I’m aware that I do make mistakes and in this case, I may have misspoken.  So, for all my Atheist friends, let it be known that I’m sorry if I’ve been offensive to you.  That was not the intention.

I do believe we must defend truth.  I also believe there’s a proper context in which to achieve that outcome.  I didn’t do that with my post on Atheism.  Again, I apologize.

God has put my heart in check just now!


Personally Speaking! “Sunday’s Coming!”

As a Christian, this time of year is exciting to me.  In fact, it’s one of the most exciting times of the year.  This time of year is a reminder of who I am in Christ.  It’s a reminder of who I was without Christ. It’s a reminder of what’s truly important to Christ. And it’s reminder of who really mattered to Christ.

My dear friend and pastor, Robert Booth, has a wonderful thought on his blog today (

Upon reading his blog, here are few thoughts it inspired. What must it have been like the day after the crucifixion of Christ?  The light of the world, who walked among men, healing them, stirring them to greatness, spurring them to holiness, and bringing them to Himself was dead.  This Jesus of Nazareth, the hope of the world and the perfect sacrifice to bring man into reconciliation with God the Father, was now just a memory.

What darkness must have been felt by those who loved Him.  They surely felt grief and anguish.  The Bible tells us they were beating their chests as they walked away from the cross when Jesus died.  A sure sign of intense pain.  Their heart’s must have experienced feelings of terror and hopelessness.

My heart was full of hopelessness for many years.  I wasn’t a Christian.  I didn’t know Jesus Christ as my savior.  I didn’t know Him as the Lord of all.  Yes, I knew about Jesus.  I knew He died for the sin of the world but what I didn’t have was a personal relationship with him.  I hadn’t repented of my sins and believed in His forgiveness.  BUT, what joy flooded my soul when I finally came to Jesus and my sins were removed as transgression against God.  My name was written in Book of Life.

Forgiveness!  Joy!  Everlasting life! Heaven!

So, as I reflect on this special time of year, I recommit my life to Christ.  I know that I’m not perfect.  I know that I stumble at times.  I know that Christ is the only way!  Nothing else in this life holds any value in comparison to knowing Christ’s forgiveness for sin.

My life changed and darkness fled because of Christ’s resurrection…Sunday’s coming!

Those that were there at the cross as Jesus died were soon filled with hope…Sunday’s coming!

Your life can be restored too only because…Sunday’s coming!

Personally Speaking! “Be A Disciple”

I’m a Christian man.  I want my life to reflect that Christ has the supremacy in all things.  I want to be a disciple and help to make disciples of Christ.

So often though…I stumble.  I falter.  I fall.  I’m less than the man Christ has died for me to be.  How is it that, even with the love I have in my heart for my Lord, that I would find myself slipping, being disobedient, or even becoming outright defiant of what He desires?

I’m a man.  A Christian, yes, but still very human.  With human flaws.  With human frailty.  With human emotions and human tendencies.  Those traits make me…well…just like everyone else. We all share these qualities.

With that said, Jesus is still Lord.  He’s still on the throne.  He still died on the cross to pull me from the quagmire of life and to set my path straight.   I’m not perfect.  Christ is perfect.  In His perfection, He invites me to the table of reconciliation.   He offers forgiveness.  He offers mercy for my humanity.

In addition, and I believe equally as important, Christ offers newness of life.  He gives us a “perfection” that exists only in Him.  Our sin is covered.  We’re redeemed from our evil, sinful ways.  It’s that newness of life that I want to reflect to this world.

That walk in newness makes all the difference.  When I’m finding myself being less than what I should, He comes along side of me and encourages me, guides me, and gives me comfort and restoration. Christ never demands MY perfection…He simply says, “Follow me”…it’s about HIS perfection.

May Jesus Christ have the supremacy in all things in my life.  That’s my life’s ambition.  Is it tough at times? Of course. And yet, with Christ having the supremacy, those tough times become mere circumstantial events.  Those times become mile markers and milestones along life’s highway.  Those events become the substance that Christ uses to draw me closer to Himself and to teach me to become a better disciple.

I’m a Christian man.   And, I follow Jesus Christ.
