Presidential Spotlight – Immigrants To Become Citizens

“We can create a pathway for legal status that is fair and reflective of our values and works,” Obama said in his speech at American University. “The question now is do we have the courage and political will to pass a bill through Congress and finally get it done.

Obama is asking Congress to begin to work on immigration reform. I don’t need to waste too much time or energy here. With this statement Obama effectively proves…well…nothing!  Not a thing!  Nada! Zilch! Zero!

Why do I say that?  Well, because we have a pathway already that is fair and reflective of our values.  First, we grant citizenship to those who go through proper channels.  That method also reflect our values.  We value life and liberty and wish all to experience those values.

Obama goes on to say he’s ready to move on but it won’t pass without Republican support.  What?  With the democrats in control, there’s no need for a single vote from a Republican to get a law in place.

The issue, I believe, is that Obama knows what he’s dreaming and scheming in regard to immigration reform, is akin to amnesty for illegals.  Amnesty, would give those here illegally almost instantaneous citizenship status without having to go through any channels.

Let’s look at it this way.  Under amnesty, the only obstacle to your citizenship is that you crossed into our borders illegally. Isn’t that great?

For those who have gone through the immigration process, filled out the application, went through the language learning curve, who have passed the immigration test, and who have taken the oath of citizenship, we’re about to make all your hard work and passion to become an American nil and void.  In fact, it’s as if we’re once again classifying you as just another immigrant.

Since we already have a very good, well established, and proven system of becoming an American citizen, why now decide we need reform?

The short of it is this…those that are here illegally have become a viable voting block for the democrats.  If they grant amnesty, they’ll most likely secure most of the votes of those who are given the free pass.  And, since we know, from all polls, both conservative and liberal,  democrats are about the take a royal beat down in the upcoming election cycle.

What do you think?  Why now with immigration reform?  Why mention Republicans are necessary to secure this reform?

What a joke!


Presidential Spotlight – Obama Tag Teams with Calderon

“I want everyone, American and Mexican, to know my administration is taking a very close look at the Arizona law,” he said. “We’re examining any implications, especially for civil rights, because in the United States of America, no law-abiding person, be they an American citizen, a legal immigrant, or a visitor or tourist from Mexico, should ever be subject to suspicion simply because of what they look like.”

There’s really no way around this statement, so let’s just be honest, Obama is completely irrelevant as a president.  Every time he speaks, and every move he makes, it seems like our country takes another step further into the Twilight Zone.

Today, he, hand-in-hand, with Mexico’s President, Felipe Calderon, denounced the Arizona Illegal Immigration bill. Can you believe it? What POTUS, in a lucid state of mind, stands shoulder-to-shoulder with a foreign president to take target against fellow Americans?  Against the United States he vowed to honor and defend?   Against the country he loves? (does he love it?)

Let’s look at his quote.  His administration is taking a close look?  At what?  Keep in mind that illegal immigration is a federal law, Arizona simply stepped up and said its going to enforce it.  So, what is the Obama administration going to review?  How to undermine Arizona’s sovereignty and authority in this matter?

Obama says they’re examining any implications.  That’s funny.  The implications are this:  If you cross the border and try to live in Arizona illegally, you will face the consequences!  So, what else could be the implications?  There aren’t any. Move on. Nothing to see here.

President Obama goes on to talk about how no law-abiding person, American, legal immigrant, or visitor, will be subject to suspicion based on looks. Of course they won’t, that’s unlawful.  His statement becomes pointless and moot. This Arizona law isn’t for Americans, legal immigrants, or visitors…it’s for illegals, you know like those who cross over the U.S. border and mooch off of the system? For future reference, Mr. Obama you may want to get the facts straight before you utter a single word.

Mr. Obama vowed to “stand together against the drug cartels” and praised Mr. Calderón’s efforts. “As your partner, we’ll give you the support you need to prevail,” Mr. Obama said.

Ah, this guy just never quits!  Arizona is dealing with those same drug cartels, thus creating the very need to impose a law that would crack down on illegals.  They need some help. Yet, Obama offers support to a foreign country all the while delivering a one-two body shot to Arizona.

When we have a President of the United States that sides with a foreign nation against his own constituency, isn’t that cause for impeachment?  If it’s not, I think it should be.  Read below, his actions have produced at a minimum a misdemeanor, wouldn’t you think?

Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution reads: “The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”

There’s should be no tolerance for lack of “presidential” in our President! Today Obama proved again that he’s really irrelevant in leading our country.  His lack of leadership and integrity is glaring.  Time to step up to the position to which you were voted and live up to its legacy!


Christians Speak On Illegal Immigrants Law

I agree too that some human activity is illegal...wouldn't you?

Responding to the latest law regarding illegal immigrant in Arizona, some of my fellow Christians have spoken.

Mennonite Church, USA

“As Christians, we believe we are called to welcome these sojourners in our congregations and communities, especially as our government creates increasingly harsh immigration laws in the name of fighting terrorism. Assumptions about identity make some people more vulnerable to political biases and discrimination than others. Our concerns about the status of immigrants in this country relate to how people are treated based on race, nationality, ethnicity, and religious identity. We reject our country’s mistreatment of immigrants, repent of our silence, and commit ourselves to act with and on behalf of our immigrant brothers and sisters, regardless of their legal status.

I’m a Christian man who loves people dearly.  I certainly welcome sojourners into our congregation. Most churches would and do.  The idea of “welcoming” really isn’t the heart of the illegal immigrant challenge our nation faces. Mennonite Church USA dodges the real issue with this smoke and mirrors technique.

First, they play the fluff and bluff game with the flowery, ever-flowing language of  love. I’m all in for love and for peace with my fellow man.  But, I’m not in favor of bypassing the topic at hand because I don’t want to offend others. True peace cannot be attained unless all parties involved desire it. Unless illegal immigrants go through the proper legalization requirements, there will never be “true peace” for them.

We need to have reciprocation. We love them as people because we are Christians.  They honor us in love by becoming legal citizens.  It’s that easy.  This issue is a two-way street.

MCUSA goes on to “reject our country’s mistreatment of immigrants”.  I simply ask the organization to show us where it believes we’ve mistreated immigrants.  Plus, I thought we were talking about the new law here which is directly related to illegal immigrants, not current immigrants.

By declaring its rejection, does MCUSA want us to coddle criminals and criminal behavior?

And, when MCUSA says it commits to act “regardless of their legal status” can we assume by that statement that it would encourage its churches to act in a manner that is illegal as well? The indication would seem to be so.

Dr. Jim Tolle, Senior Pastor, The Church On The Way

“As Christians, Jesus Christ asks his followers to be both law-abiding citizens, as well as people who are to love their neighbors as themselves. This includes the immigrant.

To benefit from the labor of the immigrant yet reject them from being participants in society is both a contradiction and thoroughly unchristian.

I believe the time has come to fully challenge any laws which run contrary to what the Founders of this nation had in mind when they stated that all people ‘are created equal…by their Creator with inherent and inalienable rights.’

To sign this bill into law in Arizona only adds further confusion and polarization between the peoples God has created in his image and which this nation has sought so diligently to bring together and heal.”

He could have stopped with “law-abiding citizens” and would have been fine. But, he continues with some rhetoric of love and inclusion of all people, again without regard to the legality of the issue at hand.

Do we not act lawfully simply because we benefit from the work efforts of illegal immigrants. Yes, they work hard.  Since when does working hard give one legal status?  It’s like using works to get to heaven. Clearly, God’s plan flows through the blood of His only begotten son, Jesus Christ. That’s the pathway to heaven. And, there’s a pathway that leads to legalization and it’s not based on hard work!

Contrary to Dr. Tolle’s beliefs, we are not belittling people and claiming them less than God’s creation with inherent & inalienable rights.  We still believe that. This law isn’t confusing, it’s straight forward. If one is here illegally, then it’s time to go back to his home country.

And I take us back to “law-abiding citizens” comment. Illegal immigrants are granted that opportunity. They can become law abiding citizens with legal status when they do so through legal channels.

For Mennonite Church USA and Dr. Tolle to make this an issue of whether we love illegal immigrants as humans or not is facetious. The real issue is that we love them enough to ask them to correct their behavior so they can serve God and their fellow man properly and with clear hearts. How about that?

To my fellow Christians, I ask when do illegal immigrants need to be responsible and accountable for their actions?


Strangely Wonderful News – Crime to be Illegal

News from the Deep End!

The media just can’t help itself from teetering on what Vezzini from the Princess Bride called “The Cliffs of Insanity”!

With the newly passed law in Arizona that calls for an illegal immigrant crack down, the media is beside itself to paint Arizona and its Governor as evil’s incarnate, the great Satan, the devil, and all things that are big, hairy, and ugly.  Ha!

MSNBC headlines the following on its screen during last night’s news.

“Law Makes it a Crime to be Illegal Immigrant.”

This kind of news reporting makes one wonder if “real” news is being reported.  By definition “illegal” is criminal.  So, MSNBC pastes what it thought was a sensational headline to defame those involved with this new Arizona law.

The outcome though is that MSNBC exposes its face value. It’s proves news worthless.  “Illegal” is already criminal.  A new law to force “illegal” activity to cease is the idea of making “legal” that thing which isn’t.  So, calling it a crime to be illegal, is the equivalent of saying “free gift”.  By definition, a gift is free!

So, yes, of course it’s a crime to be an illegal immigrant!

Laugh with me people!
