Ahmadinejad to the World – “Sanction This!”

“While we acknowledge the sincere efforts of both Turkey and Brazil to find a solution regarding Iran’s standoff with the international community over its nuclear program, we are proceeding to rally the international community on behalf of a strong sanctions resolution that will in our view send an unmistakable message about what is expected from Iran,” [Secretary of State] Clinton said.

And still Iran continues to taunt the world with its Nuclear Program. Ahmadinejad is leading the world, especially the United States, around by the nose.  It’s the classic game of cat and mouse. The difference is we think we’re playing with a kitten when really we’re dealing with an Iranian leader whose ambition is that of a lion.

So, Iran strikes a bargain with Brazil & Turkey to off load it’s enriched uranium and in return receive uranium fuel rods, which cannot be further enriched. The idea being that low grade enriched uranium is used for fuel and medical programs.  A higher grade can be committed to military weaponry.

The deal Iran has struck attempts to guise its efforts of using enriched uranium for nuclear weapons.  The international community is supposed to view this as a step in the right direction.  A step towards peace and effective downgrading of any nuclear program by Iran.  The reality is much different however than what Iran is telling the media. In fact, Iran wouldn’t go on record or commit to discontinuing the enrichment of high grade uranium.

And, then today, as I write, Iran Vice President Ali Akbar Salehi announces:

“By issuing resolution, they would further discredit themselves in the public opinion,” he said on state TV. “Discussions of imposing sanctions has faded away and this is a last effort by the Western countries.”

It’s just as many of us expected.  Iran is working to deter, distract, and should be distrusted.  Until we have verifiable evidence of its intention to halt production towards nuclear weapon-grade uranium, we need to remain vigilant and cautious.  In addition, we need more to impose more than just sanctions.  We have a tyrant running that country.   That same tyrant wants to ruin ours.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles.”     The Art of War – Sun Tzu

Our U.S. leaders have the stark inability,  no common sense, or lack of chutzpah, to recognize our enemy.  They pander to these world dictators to bring about a one world alliance.  Clearly though, there are ideologies (Islam in particularly and almost exclusively) aimed at the destruction of the United States. Why would we want to align ourselves with those bent on our fall?

Since we don’t know our enemy, and we refuse to view Iran as a viable threat on the world stage, we are slowly creeping towards the point of no return.  When Iran is fully enriched and nuclear weapon-grade ready…it will lash out as does the tail of a scorpion upon it’s prey.

Why don’t we act more forcefully? Why do we continue with the game of international pattycake? Ahmadinejad is proving to the world that he’s a veritable threat.  He, as my 3 year old son says, “wears big boy pants!” And, while the rest of the world community is still sucking on a pacifier and wearing diapers, Ahmadinejad is tucking them in for the night in hopes of given the world a rude awakening.


Iran Non-Stop To Nuclear Capabilities

“Experience has proven that sanctions cannot stop the Iranian nation,” Ahmadinejad told reporters at a hotel across from U.N. headquarters, where a month long nuclear treaty conference was in its second day.

Well my friends, how do you like that?  After months, even a few years now, we’ve put off taking serious, concerted action against this Iranian rogue warrior,  President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

About a month ago, he laughed and scoffed at President Obama’s 47 nation Nuclear Summit. Ahmadinejad, in fact,  didn’t show up and chose to hold his own summit where he told those in attendance that the U.S. was the “real” nuclear threat to the world.

Now, he’s saying, in effect, it doesn’t matter what type of sanctions or how many sanctions are placed upon Iran and it’s nuclear program, it will not be stopped.

So, what does this tell us?

We need to take this man at face value.  He’s playing the harp with the media.  He speaks and it silently falls into a drunken stupor unable to discern reality from propagated falsehoods.

Ahmadinejad has told us many times now that Iran will continue, it will move forward with its nuclear program, it will get the capability, and it will use it for its advantage on a world stage. It’s the whole idea of hiding his agenda in plain view.

Our government and our media can’t seem to see it though.  Or, they choose not to see it because they truly believe in America’s defeat. They can’t believe America is a great nation. They abandon American elitism as a truism.

But we are a great country.  We are the world’s most giving country. We are the last beacon of freedom for all. We show up for all world crises.  We give of our time, energies, resources, and finances.  We endlessly pursue passions bigger than our own. We are the world’s philanthropist.

What other countries shows up with such vigor as we do?  What other country provides the world such hope of liberty as we do? What other country gives a much as we do?  What other country has given as much as we have?  (there aren’t any!)

We need to believe in our America once again.  We need to stop letting these buffoons in office, from both parties, tell us that America isn’t special.  Or that America isn’t the exception to every other nation.  Or that America is the root cause of the world’s headline issues.  We are a great country. Let that truth ring clear!

Ahmadinejad says we are a problem, we are a nuclear threat, and that our country has so many disagreeable aspects to its existence.  We need to ask him, since his true intentions are visible for all to see, to name one reason we shouldn’t take Iran off the map…especially if he wants to hold the world hostage on the nuclear front!

When will we get strong and confront this tyrant of Iran? When do we call his bluff…because he keeps calling ours!  Wake up world!


Ahmadinejad Nuclear Jihad

The supreme leader, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and several other senior Iranian officials took turns at the podium to warn that America’s nuclear policy was endangering the world and encouraging nations to consider withdrawing from the Non-Nuclear Proliferation Treaty.

Well my fellow citizens, now we have a problem.  It’s serious!  Code Red! Red Alert!

This isn’t a joke!  Ahmadinejad believes that the United States is a menace to the world. At his own “nuclear summit” of sorts, the world was put on notice of the America’s nuclear “tools of terror.”  Why is this important?

First, we have a President, Barack Obama, who caters to the Muslims.  In fact, in light of his actions and comments, it’s difficult not to believe he’s a Muslim himself.  Whether he is or not, the Iranian state is putting out statements of falsehood.  Will our POTUS address it as threatening or simply dismiss it?  Personally, I’m sure Obama will cower to this coward! (I pray I’m wrong) Ahmadinejad knows this!

Secondly, if we, the United States are true “terrors” why are we not moving our military with the intent on world domination.  Why do we not attempt to expand our territory?  Why do we strike on smaller, weaker countries and take them over? Why don’t we invade and conquer…and rule the planet?


It’s because we’re not terrorists.  We’re not on some Islamic Jihad fueled by hatred of all that is human and humane.  We believe in the value of life and liberty!  No President Ahmadinejad, we are not the terrors you call us.  I commend you though on a nice deflecting act.  Moving the argument away from your country’s ambition of attaining nuclear capacities and relabeling the U.S. as the real threat is clever.

Please remember this my fellow Americans.  Regardless of what the Islamic world wants the general world to believe, or how our Democrat Islamic sympathizers try to villify the U.S., we are not the enemy.  We are not the issue.  We are NOT even close!

We are the defenders of the free world!

The artisans of freedom!

The protectors of liberty!

The caretakers of social justice!

The beacon of hope!

The light bearers for all those who desire liberty to embrace!

We are the United States of America!

So, slander us if you choose.  Call us by names that do not define us.  Try to deter our resolve. But we will stand strong.

And, President Obama, it’s time to step up and be the Commander-In-Chief.  This Pretender-In-Chief thing is getting a bit old and increasingly bothersome. It’s time to let the world see that you stand for something bigger than self and selfish, arrogant ambitions.  It’s time to put your ideas of legacy on hold and move on to legendary.  Get a backbone and let it be known that true terrorism will not be tolerated.

Give us some leadership!  Lord knows our country needs it!


Nuclear Success? Give that Man a Nobel!

Do you believe this?  Obama is now a smashing success based on his Nuclear Summit?  All I can say is…give that man a Nobel Peace prize! No really!…  I’m serious!…Oh yeah, wait, ha ha, we already did!

“…one of the best things about this nuclear security summit was that it happened at all, and that it included so many countries. It showed for the first time that Obama’s commitment to multilateral thinking and action is genuine. It is hard to imagine any other US president getting such a mixed group into one room, and coming out with a unified conclusion. This in itself is a major advance in the way that the world runs its affairs.”

This passage is from the Gulf News.  Can you believe, let alone, digest such idiocy?

First, Obama’s been placed on a pedestal above some of his great predecessors. There are many who could have done this job as well, if not better, than he did.  And with some other sources of interest recently equating Barack Obama to Ronald Reagan, I’m figuring this is another attempt to lull the American people to sleep with the sweet siren song of “Barack Hussein Obama, mmm, mmm, mmm!” (everybody join me…kids sing along!)

President Reagan could have, and certainly did have, the support of many, many leaders around the world. Plus, they knew where we stood, and where we would stand, should any issues arise. We were steadfast under his leadership and the world respected him. I’m sure the same isn’t being said of Mr. Obama.

Secondly, a “unified conclusion”?  Is this writer serious? Why would they not have consensus…they were on the same page going into the summit! There was a “unified conclusion” before the idea of a summit was ever hatched!  Now, Obama steps forward and says “Now we’re unified!” as if some great accomplishment has been achieved.  You know what, another round of Nobel’s for all countries at the summit!

Finally, anyone with even a slight knowledge of the world stage, knows that Iran is on an intense, deliberate march towards Nuclear Weapons Development.  Imposing more sanctions won’threaten its mission nor slow its progress.  And Russia, with whom we just signed a “de-nuke treaty”, historically doesn’t keep agreements so well. Then even more laughable, North Korea let it be known on the same day, obviously on purpose,  that it was not interested in any nuclear talks!

So before we start dropping accolades and another Nobel Peace Prize, we need to be sure the events we praise and those involved, namely Barack Obama, are indeed doing something more than just hosting an event for public spectacle…because as sure as I’m writing, that’s all that has been accomplished!

And for lack of accomplishment, another Nobel goes to…(drum roll please)…Barack Obama.

What’s wrong with our media?
