Remembering Pearl Harbor

Before Sept. 11, 2001, became a transitional date in American history, there was the “date which will live in infamy.” Today marks Pearl Harbor Day, in remembrance of those who lost their lives in Japan’s surprise attack on the U.S. Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

More than 350 Japanese aircraft, launched from several carriers positioned north of Hawaii, sank or damaged 16 ships, destroyed 188 U.S. aircraft, caught on the ground, and killed 2,402 personnel.

Japan’s strike brought the United States fully into World War II and was a formative event in future national defense policy. As Gordon Mueller, president of the National World War II Museum, said in a statement: “You can count on one hand the number of events that changed everyone’s life – everywhere, forever. Dec. 7, 1941, was certainly one such event.”

We pause today to honor those who lost their lives, those who survived and the nation that persevered and vanquished the Axis powers.

(article from ocregister)

Today, without fail, and like any other Pearl Harbor anniversary, I remember.  I wasn’t there.  But I do pride myself on being aware of the rich history of our United States. 

And, I’m disappointed, literally, by the lack of articles and news reports giving recognition of that great “day of infamy.”  What happened to the honoring of those who lived during such treachery and honoring those whose lives were taken in one foul kamikaze swoop?

Am I hoping for too much from the media?  (perhaps yes – seems they don’t have the backbone to enjoy…let alone defend or have pride in America)

Am I being too sensitive?  (not really–just being respectful and grateful)

I salute those men and women who deserve to be recognized today.  I think of our history…and I am remineded yet again of the blessings of freedom we enjoy in this country…

Let us always remember!



Quick Thought: A Succinct Comparison — Reagan vs. Obama

Then —> Reagan: Tear down this wall.   Now —> Obama: Tear down this country.

Presidential Spotlight – Obama loose in Delaware

This week President Obama and VP Joe Biden visited the First State.  It wasn’t any ordinary visit to see what’s cooking in Delaware.  It wasn’t a trip to talk to Delawareans about issues and concerns we might have in regards to jobs, the economy, or illegal immigration.

Nope!  Not a chance.

Obama and Biden visited to attend a fundraiser for Democrat Senate candidate, Chris Coons.  Coons, who earlier in the week at the U of D debate with tag team partner, Wolf Blitzer, against Christine O’Donnell said he wasn’t anyone’s pet, surely seemed awfully domesticated and pet-like during the Prez and V.P visit.

During his speech Obama attempted to force feed the audience more of the same tired, worn, and extremely obscure drivel that he’s been trying to pass on us since he took office.

Witness a few highlights from the speech.  Try to hold your applause vomiting until the end as there will be many opportunities to participate.

“In a little more than two weeks, you have the opportunity right here in Delaware to set the direction of this state and this country for the next several years.”

WOW! An idea that Obama and I agree on…still…WOW!  Only difference he’s referring to electing Coons to continue the Obama march of America’s death.

If Republicans are victorious in taking over Congress, they’ll try to implement “an agenda that nearly destroyed our economy.” The president asked voters to give him a chance to complete implementation of the economic and social programs his administration began in 2008.

Two thoughts here!

First, the Democrats have been in control since 2006…and  for 4 complete years, we’ve watched our country sputter and stutter! Regarding one of “agenda” items he alludes towards is the stimulus package which was initiated under Bush. Why criticize that Obama?  Afterall, that’s a Democrat-like move!

Secondly, Obama is so arrogant to overlook the heart beat of the nation.  The reason each and every race is hotly contested is due to the fact that Americans REJECT his economic and social programs. We The People have spoken…now listen!

“We still have a long way to go. We still have a lot of work to do. Families are hanging on by a thread. That’s what is keeping me up at night. That’s what keeps me fighting. The biggest mistake we could make right now would be to go back to the policies that didn’t work in the first place.”

Refer to my previous Democrat’s control comment!

In addition, is this the thought he keeps in mind while he spends record amounts of time on vacaction and on the golf course?  Come on Obama, we don’t buy it!  What keeps you up is that America is losing interest in “Hope and Change” a la Obama!  We voted for change in Washington, not a change in all that made/makes America great!  Buy a vowel already! Get a clue!  OR simply resign! (do us all a favor!)

“They want to roll back Wall Street reform so that taxpayers are on the hook again,” Obama said. “They want to cut back on education spending by 20 percent to help pay for a $700 billion tax break that only the wealthiest Americans will benefit from.”


It’s Obama’s selfish desires that put taxpayers on the hook!  He’s the one who rammed through healthcare reform & who has bailed out the auto industry.  We that taxpayer recognize it and are rising up against this insanity!  Wall Street Reform is nothing more than another attempt at government takeover and control!  You, Mr. Obama, have caused the American people to purchase a ticket on the Stop Obama Express!

“This isn’t just a threat to the Democrats, it’s a threat to our democracy,” Obama said. “The only way to match their millions of dollars is with millions of voices.”

Notice, just for giggles, he mentions the threat to Democrats first.  That means a threat to their power over the American people.

Notices too,  that Obama tries to equate, subliminally perhaps, that Democrats = Democracy!  WRONG!

The American people will decide who’s a threat to Democracy! That’s not for the Whiner-In-Chief to decide! Get a clue and move on! We The People don’t take kindly to being dominated by your so called “threat to democracy!”

“Don’t let them take this country backwards,” [Obama] said.

Backwards to where?  It’s you and your cronies that are moving us back to the ice age!  We’ve devolved as a country. For touting post racism and unity…we’ve moved far from that idea.  You’ve single-handedly contributed to that cause! Own it!

A fellow Delawarean commented on the Obama-Biden visit and it perfectly sums up my thoughts!

To vote for Coons is to vote for Democrats to continue their out of control spending, raising taxes to attempt to finance this out of control spending, ignoring the will of the people that demand they stop spending, taking over industry after industry, telling “we the people” they must buy certain products or services – all while unemployment remains near 10%. Get out and vote in November – time to take our country back from all this “change.”


Obama Conspicuously Unmentioned

Last evening, the President of Chile called out by name two world leaders for special thanks for their support — British Prime Minister David Cameron and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Barack Obama’s name was not mentioned.

Barack Obama, purported leader of the free world, resides in the Western Hemisphere with the Chilean President and is supposedly restoring American greatness in the world.

What has Barack Obama done or not done to merit the President of the United States of America not being thanked by the President of Chile? A great deal, I’m sure.

But our thin skinned leader is probably not upset. Given his contempt of mining, Great Britain, and Israel, I’m sure he has no problem at all not being mentioned by name.

Interesting, huh?  For all the “world-citizen” hype Obama has mentioned both pre-and-post presidential election, we see that other world leaders really aren’t buying into it.  The varnish perhaps is coming off and the world is seeing Obama for who he really is…or isn’t.

For a country that is the most kind and giving in the world, it’s odd that Obama didn’t try to make this a spotlight or highlight moment for his agenda.  Oh wait…he didn’t want to demonstrate how effective our drilling methods really are in light of his moratorium? We’ll leave it at that!
