Remembering Pearl Harbor

Before Sept. 11, 2001, became a transitional date in American history, there was the “date which will live in infamy.” Today marks Pearl Harbor Day, in remembrance of those who lost their lives in Japan’s surprise attack on the U.S. Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

More than 350 Japanese aircraft, launched from several carriers positioned north of Hawaii, sank or damaged 16 ships, destroyed 188 U.S. aircraft, caught on the ground, and killed 2,402 personnel.

Japan’s strike brought the United States fully into World War II and was a formative event in future national defense policy. As Gordon Mueller, president of the National World War II Museum, said in a statement: “You can count on one hand the number of events that changed everyone’s life – everywhere, forever. Dec. 7, 1941, was certainly one such event.”

We pause today to honor those who lost their lives, those who survived and the nation that persevered and vanquished the Axis powers.

(article from ocregister)

Today, without fail, and like any other Pearl Harbor anniversary, I remember.  I wasn’t there.  But I do pride myself on being aware of the rich history of our United States. 

And, I’m disappointed, literally, by the lack of articles and news reports giving recognition of that great “day of infamy.”  What happened to the honoring of those who lived during such treachery and honoring those whose lives were taken in one foul kamikaze swoop?

Am I hoping for too much from the media?  (perhaps yes – seems they don’t have the backbone to enjoy…let alone defend or have pride in America)

Am I being too sensitive?  (not really–just being respectful and grateful)

I salute those men and women who deserve to be recognized today.  I think of our history…and I am remineded yet again of the blessings of freedom we enjoy in this country…

Let us always remember!



Quick Thought: Christian Rights Infringed Upon?

Are Christian’s being persecuted just for being Christian?

When a 31-year-old single woman in Grand Rapids placed an ad for a Christian roommate on her church bulletin board, she had no idea it would result in a civil rights complaint accusing her of illegal housing discrimination.

The Alliance Defense Fund, which represents the woman, sent a letter last week to the Michigan Department of Civil Rights asking that the groundless complaint be immediately dismissed, but the division has not yet offered any response.

“Christians shouldn’t live in fear of being punished by the government for being Christians. It is completely absurd to try to penalize a single Christian woman for privately seeking a Christian roommate at church–an obviously legal and constitutionally protected activity,” said ADF Senior Legal Counsel Joel Oster. “Not content to just lock Christians and their beliefs into the four walls of their church or home, some groups also want to invade those walls and force their own ideas upon them by force of law.”

Where’s the media outrage over this woman’s rights being muffled?  Where’s the cries of intolerance?  Where’s the women’s lib movement now?  Come on people…let’s be consistent!


NPR, Muslims, & Christians…Oh my!

No Catholic, Presbyterian, or unaffiliated congregant of the Assemblies of God will ever cut off your head for drawing a cartoon of Jesus. Many, many muslims would should you draw a cartoon of Mohammed. The fear of muslims within the secular left is why the media could be fully fixated on one preacher in Florida burning korans and avoid like the plague the other very legitimate story that we share the Earth with a large group of people who can be incited to global violence by one moron in Florida burning a book.

And this all gets us to the most significant truth — also the one that will offend a great many people, but still needs to be said.

The most significant truth is that had Juan Williams made his comments about Christians or Jews he would still have his job. The world is at war with Christ and, more generally, the Judeo-Christian God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Islam, derived from a man of this world, and the world are in supernatural alliance against Christ. This is the moment non-believers laugh and believers nod knowingly.

The secular world hates the real God of the Bible and those who follow Christ. Any group that is not of Christ or allied with Christ is spared by the world because it is of the world. Any group of Christ or allied with Christ is fair game for attack and ridicule.

Christians are aliens in this world and ultimately, on the last day, win. But until then, the world hates them.

It is a truth that we should all remember.   -Erick Erickson–


For years, I’ve been saying the same thing.  A few days ago, Juan Williams, NPR associate and anchor, was fired for expressing some of his feelings, fears, and views.  Whether you agree or not, should he have lost his job?  Afterall, isn’t he too, a liberal by most accounts, under the freedoms we all share in this wonderful United States of America.

Here’s what Williams said: (on Fox with Bill O’Reilly)

“I mean, look, Bill, I’m not a bigot. You know the kind of books I’ve written about the civil-rights movement in this country. But when I get on the plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous.”

Is that blaming all Muslims for the actions of a few extremists? Sure. But Williams was describing his feelings, not saying that Muslims should be singled out for profiling or otherwise discriminated against.


So watch the media squirm and shake when Muslims are singled out.  BUT, run ads about Christine O’Donnell from Delaware trying to demean her for, well, NOT even being a witch.  She’s a Christian being painted as this wacko!  And, how about the pastor from Florida who was sounding the alarm for burning the Muslim’s holy book. He was labeled a menace to society.  And I see that point, however,  the point is that there’s no media outrage over the Muslim world proclaiming death to the infidel (all of us who aren’t Muslim).

YET, the media sees no reason we should have any apprehension about placing a mosque at Ground Zero.  They see no reason why we should label terrorists as terrorists.  AND, if by definition that represents Muslim extremist, we’re not supposed to say it!

Let’s stop all this political fluff and call this what it really is and be real.  Christian’s and conservative values are being squelched and squashed while the devil and all his forms are being tolerated.  It’s the war of  the worlds.  The war of ideologies.  The clash of good vs. evil.  The battle for man’s soul.   And, Armageddon creeps one day closer!

Thank God He’s still on the throne!





T.E.A. Party Anyone?

For all of those in the media who want to call the Tea Party Patriots racists, homophobes, anti-American, etc. , here’s a point by point look at who we are:

WHO? – Tea Party Patriots is a coalition of ordinary American citizens from all political affiliations that believe in free-market values who are concerned about the direction of this country’s fiscal policy.

WHY? – The American people are tired of working hard for their families only to see politicians with the same failed answers of more spending, more government, and more debt for future generations. The Tea Party Patriots will not tolerate it any longer. The politicians must be told that they can work with us, or find new jobs.

WHAT? – Tea Party Patriots is a movement made up of millions of individual Patriots aimed at restoring limited government and basic free-market principles our country was built on.

Take notice that this groups is based in reality.  It’s based in truth.  It’s based on reason.  It’s based on what America was truly designed to be…and we won’t allow those in “leadership” positions to hijack our country!
