Let The Political Games Continue

And there seems to be some denial on the part of the president, and other Democrat leaders. The message that was sent by the American people. When you have the most historic election in over 60-70 years, you would think that the other party would understand that the American people have clearly repudiated the policies that they put forward the last two years.”

The current batch of democrats…this full week later, cannot believe the American people.  They want to believe they just haven’t had enough time, or that their message hasn’t been fully understood, or that the Republicans have thwarted the Dems best efforts at all cost.

NOTHING could be further from the truth.  The American People have said, “We The People,” will be heard loudly and clearly and if it’s not heard with this last election cycle…we’ll be back again next time!  We do not appreciate the rules the current Dems are trying to play by or enforce.  We do not want their weak policies, nor have we indicated we wanted them in the first place!

The message the Dems spout has been heard.  They want to control our every move via Healthcare Reform, The GM Volt, and Cap & Tax to name a few.  We The People have had enough of liberalism running wild (though we liked Hulk-a-Mania)! 🙂

And, the Republicans, which the Dems have deemed the party of “No”…did the right  thing it seems by saying that word, “NO!”  The American People have responded in kind to the Republicans.  (and now those Republicans need to put up or shut up as well…or they’ll get it next election cycle too!)

Though I believe the real battle is one of a spiritual nature rather than merely political, know that We The People are enroute to reclaim the values, principles, and integrity with which America was originally founded!


Quick Thought: Stay Focused Conservative Friends

Don’t get distracted by all the distractions the Dems are throwing up (pun intended).

Keep on message:  The Dems are ruining the economy, suffocating business, stealing from our grandchildren, and trying to control every aspect of our lives.

Let the blithering idiots and hacks with degrees whine about Christine O’Donnell’s Linked-In page, call us the Taliban, and drop as many October surprises as they want.

Focus.  The end is near.

—-William Jacobson – Cornell Law School

Keep your heads up my fellow conservatives, Tea Party patriots, Republicans and those who have intelligent viewpoints. November is just around the corner. Balance will be restored!

Stay focused!  Hang tough! We The People…are on the move!
