Personally Speaking! “Be A Disciple”

I’m a Christian man.  I want my life to reflect that Christ has the supremacy in all things.  I want to be a disciple and help to make disciples of Christ.

So often though…I stumble.  I falter.  I fall.  I’m less than the man Christ has died for me to be.  How is it that, even with the love I have in my heart for my Lord, that I would find myself slipping, being disobedient, or even becoming outright defiant of what He desires?

I’m a man.  A Christian, yes, but still very human.  With human flaws.  With human frailty.  With human emotions and human tendencies.  Those traits make me…well…just like everyone else. We all share these qualities.

With that said, Jesus is still Lord.  He’s still on the throne.  He still died on the cross to pull me from the quagmire of life and to set my path straight.   I’m not perfect.  Christ is perfect.  In His perfection, He invites me to the table of reconciliation.   He offers forgiveness.  He offers mercy for my humanity.

In addition, and I believe equally as important, Christ offers newness of life.  He gives us a “perfection” that exists only in Him.  Our sin is covered.  We’re redeemed from our evil, sinful ways.  It’s that newness of life that I want to reflect to this world.

That walk in newness makes all the difference.  When I’m finding myself being less than what I should, He comes along side of me and encourages me, guides me, and gives me comfort and restoration. Christ never demands MY perfection…He simply says, “Follow me”…it’s about HIS perfection.

May Jesus Christ have the supremacy in all things in my life.  That’s my life’s ambition.  Is it tough at times? Of course. And yet, with Christ having the supremacy, those tough times become mere circumstantial events.  Those times become mile markers and milestones along life’s highway.  Those events become the substance that Christ uses to draw me closer to Himself and to teach me to become a better disciple.

I’m a Christian man.   And, I follow Jesus Christ.
