Presidential Spotlight – Immigrants To Become Citizens

“We can create a pathway for legal status that is fair and reflective of our values and works,” Obama said in his speech at American University. “The question now is do we have the courage and political will to pass a bill through Congress and finally get it done.

Obama is asking Congress to begin to work on immigration reform. I don’t need to waste too much time or energy here. With this statement Obama effectively proves…well…nothing!  Not a thing!  Nada! Zilch! Zero!

Why do I say that?  Well, because we have a pathway already that is fair and reflective of our values.  First, we grant citizenship to those who go through proper channels.  That method also reflect our values.  We value life and liberty and wish all to experience those values.

Obama goes on to say he’s ready to move on but it won’t pass without Republican support.  What?  With the democrats in control, there’s no need for a single vote from a Republican to get a law in place.

The issue, I believe, is that Obama knows what he’s dreaming and scheming in regard to immigration reform, is akin to amnesty for illegals.  Amnesty, would give those here illegally almost instantaneous citizenship status without having to go through any channels.

Let’s look at it this way.  Under amnesty, the only obstacle to your citizenship is that you crossed into our borders illegally. Isn’t that great?

For those who have gone through the immigration process, filled out the application, went through the language learning curve, who have passed the immigration test, and who have taken the oath of citizenship, we’re about to make all your hard work and passion to become an American nil and void.  In fact, it’s as if we’re once again classifying you as just another immigrant.

Since we already have a very good, well established, and proven system of becoming an American citizen, why now decide we need reform?

The short of it is this…those that are here illegally have become a viable voting block for the democrats.  If they grant amnesty, they’ll most likely secure most of the votes of those who are given the free pass.  And, since we know, from all polls, both conservative and liberal,  democrats are about the take a royal beat down in the upcoming election cycle.

What do you think?  Why now with immigration reform?  Why mention Republicans are necessary to secure this reform?

What a joke!


About Mr. View From The Dome
Just ask! I'm a Christian man on this magnificent journey we call "Life" --- and I'm greatly inspired to write about the nuggets of Gold uncovered along The Way!

One Response to Presidential Spotlight – Immigrants To Become Citizens

  1. Chris Graham says:

    Obama says he needs Republican support just to bolster this “bi-partisan” image of himself that he’s fabricated. He knows he doesn’t need Republican support, but he says it so that he can say, “See? I asked for the Republicans to get on board. I’m bi-partisan.” And the censored news media will have yet another reason to damn those pesky Republicans for daring to not comply with Obeyme.

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