President Reagan’s Vision

Let us be sure that those who come after will say of us in our time, that in our time we did everything that could be done. We finished the race; we kept them free; we kept the faith.
Ronald Reagan

In the course of our lives, we have the choice to live free or to live confined.  That goes for all areas of life.

If we love our jobs and enjoy them, we live free.  If we, everyday, struggle to find pleasure in our work, it’s confining and restricting.  BUT, we have the choice to embark on a new career.

If we are in a relationship that seems to be going nowhere quickly.  It’s very confining and constricting. We have the choice to be involved in relationships that help us grow; that enrich our lives.

If we are in spiritual burnout or complacency, it’s confining and debilitating. We have the choice to come to Jesus and seek renewal and fulfillment.

President Reagan’s vision was that we live lives that were full.  In that fullness, he recognized that we had a choices to make. Our choices lead to freedom or entrapment.  His suggestion is that we live our lives that allow men to remain free for, not only our present times, but well into the future.

Aside from any spiritual context and deeper sets of meaning we could draw from this quote, we can at least appreciate the simple political and cultural implications.  President Reagan knew that we had to do all that we could to insure our freedoms, liberties, and well-being moved on for future generations.

Our present day demands us to step up and be heard.  Our perilous times request payment for the “much that is given.” Our political environment, which treads very often into the spiritual world, has called out those who love liberty and freedom. It beckons those, who like President Reagan, must now pick up and run the race, keep the course, and keep the faith.

Our country, inspired into existence by Judeo-Christian precepts, must return to the day when Christ reigned in the hearts of men. When the Bible wasn’t questioned as fact or fiction but was the centerpiece of life.  When God wasn’t viewed as a convenience, but rather, He had preeminence in the lives of men.

Reagan’s vision here goes much deeper than just a political posturing.  This is about life. It’s about all things good and fruitful.  It’s about men and women having the opportunity to make choices.  It’s about boys and girls growing up believing in themselves and their God.  It’s about a society turning to God and sincerely being engrossed in living out that message of freedom.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, it’s time to stand for our freedoms.  It’s time to put on the whole armor and confront the enemy at the gates.  To engage the enemies of our freedoms.  To go head-to-head with the evil around us.  To face-off the against those that would have us come under enslavement.  To openly challenge those systems that would attempt to eliminate our liberties.

God has given us much and now much is required.

Former President Reagan knew that freedom was a passing phase if men and women didn’t step up to the plate and demand it and defend it.  We must, in our time, become a driving force in society that our God might be glorified and that we might have a future clothed in freedom, both spiritually through Christ and politically for the our country and for the world.


Independence a La Obama

I came across this article written by Ben Domenech.  He says it so well, I’ve decided to quote him here. 

Let’s hear it for all those old souls who died to give us this nation, where we can be free from want, worry, fidelity, and responsibility. Where we can be free to expect a self-affirming career and a McMansion, free from the stress of competition or struggle, free to demand what’s coming to us.

Let’s cheer for the parade of people who made all of this possible: the politicians, the bureaucrats, the union heads, the activists, the community workers. They’re the folks who put things back on the right track, toward balance and harmony, acceptance of everything and rejection of nothing, except those things they agree everyone should reject.

Let’s give thanks for the people who work so hard to organize our society properly, who came up with a plan and made it happen, who make sure we don’t have to make decisions about our health care, our schools, our banks, our cars, or the salt in our food.

It’s so tough to make up your mind, and it’s good to know an expert somewhere is taking care of it.

Let’s raise a glass to the all-American, too-big-to-fail brands—to GM, Chrysler, AIG, Citigroup, Bank of America, and the rest. Thanks for being you—you’re what makes this country great! Not greater than any other country mind you, but equally great (except at soccer).

We’re so lucky to live in a country where no one’s better than anyone else, where if someone falls down, we all pick them up, and if someone makes too much money, we take it away from them. It’s great to have a country where no one can be labeled or criticized (unless you’re one of those people), where you don’t have to earn anything to get something, where people feel ashamed for being rich and proud for being poor.

I don’t know about you, but I love Little League games where no one loses and everybody wins. It’s how the Founders would’ve wanted it.

And while we’re at it, let’s give those Founders a cheer, with their powdered wigs and wooden teeth. Sure, the old fools believed in a lot of antiquated notions such as God and liberty, but they gave us the right to speak (as long as there’s a Fairness Doctrine), to worship (as long as it’s the right kind), to assemble (unless it’s protesting this president), and to bear arms (unless the mayor says no).

Pursuing happiness is just too tiresome. It’s so much better to live in a country where you can demand happiness as a basic human right.

Of course, we’re going to have to defend this freedom against its enemies. You know who I’m talking about—the flag wavers and Bible-thumpers, the wacko gun nuts and tea partiers, the evil corporations and rascally entrepreneurs. They all want to send us back to the Dark Ages. They want to run their own lives and their own companies and raise their own kids their own way. And let me tell you, that isn’t good for us or those poor kids.

Fortunately, there are plenty of people who are happy to take care of all that for us, wonderful people who deserve those secure jobs, benefits, and pensions. Why, without them, who’d make sure people don’t get too successful or too rich, that we have hybrids, free wi-fi and non-dairy alternatives, and that we don’t tolerate intolerance?

Ah, it’s great to live in America the beautiful—where “all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his wrongs”—brought to you by China and your neighbor’s grandchildren. I hope she never changes.

Gotta love someone who gets it!  We’re living in a time where our politicians believe the best way for us to live our lives, is according to how they believe it should be lived.  In short, the Democrats believe they are the saviors of our nation.  The truth be told, they’re a nemesis to our country and enemies of the state! 

They come for our freedoms. They come for our liberty.  That is Independence a La Obama!
