Personally Speaking – I’m Extremely Thankful pt. 1


In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus.                     —1 Thessalonians 5:18—

As this Thanksgiving day comes and goes, I’m reminded of the blessings in my life. 

First, I’m thankful for a God who knew my sinful nature and sent His only begotten son, Jesus,  to live as an example and then to die, in my stead, for my trangressions.  Jesus’ perfect life and perfect sacrifice allows me to be reconciled to God. For that, I will be eternally thankful.  And, I love Jesus.

Next, I’m blessed to have such wonderful parents.  They have been beacons of love, encouragement, and discipline as I’ve needed them over the years.  My mom taught me how to express my opinion.  She taught me how to stand up for myself and instilled a brilliant (vibrant) sense of right and wrong. 

My father taught me discipline, follow through, and doing a job right the first time.  He spoke few words but his work ethic and mannerisms have impacted my life for the better.  And for my parents’ input and guidance in my life…I’m thankful. And, I love them.

I’m blessed to have two wonderful siblings.  My brother and my sister have been in my corner from day one.  Though I’m the oldest, that doesn’t always make me the wisest by any stretch.  I have learned and grown tremendously emulating them.  As children we loved one another deeply.  As adults that love is only stronger and comes with a great measure of respect for the persons they’ve become, both as siblings and fellow believers in Christ.  For my siblings, I’m thankful. And, I love them!

I’m thankful for a few peripherals in my life.  Not peripherally obscure, but rather additions to my life that I never knew would mean so much.  My brothers and sisters-in-law have become part of my life in such a meaningful and special way.  Each one has added his/her own flavor into my life, as if my life were candy and they were the candy maker.  There’s a swirl of one here.  A hint of another here.  A little dash of this one here!  Each has touched me for the better.  I’m thankful for my “add-on” family members.  And, I love them.

What are you thanful for today?


Personally Speaking – Family Time

There aren’t too many times that I enjoy more than spending time with my family.  This last week has been a busy, busy week.  And when I have weeks like this…it always help to have a short reprieve with my family.  I’m sure most would say the same.

Last Friday after work, my wife and I ate a quick dinner and loaded the boys into the car.  We decided to do something 1) We’ve never done as a couple.  2) That we knew the boys would enjoy.  So…we went to our state fair!

Not one to enjoy heavy traffic, I was a bit anxious about how crowded it would be, how tight the parking would be, and how much fun would that be for the boys.  All the while, I knew the end result would be tons of fun and loads of excitement, I was sure I could endure some minor delays or frustrations in a heavier volume of vehicles.

Much to my delight, the fair ground facility has had some major upgrades to traffic flow since I was last at the fair, maybe 5-6 years ago.  And, remembering from when I was a kid when it took an hour to get in and an hour to get out, it was a breeze navigating the traffic pattern!  YES!

So we parked in the Orange Cow Lot 7/8 (cool name, huh?) and rode the Tractor Trolley to the main gate.  Much to my surprise, and approval, admission for adults was just $5 and children (my two) were free!  Ah, the night was off to a great start!

We entered the main gate…and it was on!  Welcome to the Delaware State Fair!

We had a load of fun walking through the “barns” to see the pigs, to pet the goats and sheep, to hold the chicks.  The boys loved it! And since they loved it so much, I enjoyed my time with them all the more.

This year, the fair had a big tent that housed a giraffe, wallabies, a llama, and a kangaroo.  The boys loved the giraffe.  My wife and I thought seeing a kangaroo up close and personal was pretty amazing.

The boys also had fun checking out the “Big Boy” equipment.  The tractors and combines.  The ATV’s…they loved the machinery!

Later in the evening, my oldest son and I went through The Fun House.  He thought the funny mirrors were just that…funny!

As we leisurely meandered around the grounds,  I thought about how nice it was to be out with my family.  The memories that we create… the fun that we have together…And, the love that we share…it’s such a blessing to me.  That’s what family is all about!  I love family time!


Personally Speaking – Camping with My Wife’s Family

Well, Memorial Day weekend is just around the corner.  I’m excited!

Since May 2003, I have been spending this special weekend with my extended family. Each year we go camping. It’s such a neat experience and a nice break from the ordinary, day-to-day, routines.  I’m anxious for the time away from some of the stresses of life.

My wife’s family started this tradition years ago.  In 2003, I entered the picture. My wife and I were dating then so they asked if I wanted to go along.  Since my family had never gone camping, I was eager to give it a try.  What a most pleasant surprise!  I had a blast!

One part of this tradition that I find particularly pleasing is how each of my wife’s siblings selects the camping location for that particular year.  She has two older and two younger siblings. Next year, my wife and I have the pleasure of selecting the campsite where we’ll all stay.  Each year is a different location! That’s cool!

I’m happy for this tradition.  I look forward to it.  I look forward to getting away and relaxing.  It’s one of those small blessings in my life that I really appreciate.   It’s a small reprieve from the busyness of life.

No internet.  No blog.  No business calls.  No work.  It’s nice!

So, with that, I’ll be back next week!  Have a great Memorial Day weekend everyone!
